Tuesday, January 15, 2008


We'll just start this in medias res, which all you 14th Warders know means in the middle of things.

We're in the middle of the coming onslaught of compulsive tree-cutting, compulsive gambling losses, community benefits agreements negotiations, and, yeah, even a primary election!

After the usual uncontested General Election races for Mayor (although the Primary was curiously uncontested as well), City Council,
and Controller, and now past the last ever mass row office elections (Recorder, Register, Clerk, and Prothonotary (yes, Virginia, there was a Prothonotary)), we're paying attention to the Presidential Primary.

Here in Pennsylvania, the Presidential Primary's all local, since we vote for the candidates' delegates, the contest between Hillary, Obama, Edwards, Kucinich, et al being just a beauty contest.

Will we be a rubber stamp for the decisions that little all-white rural states are making? Will BIG MEDIA be the king-or-queen-makers? Will the candidates keep sending us 15 email alerts every day? And will our own voices somehow shape the momentum building in other states? Stay tuned! That's coming up.

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