Monday, April 21, 2008

Time's A-Wastin'


Yes, you matter. You matter even more if you're involved in choosing progressive candidates. Join the Pittsburgh 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club today!

1 comment:

katieboomer said...

Election day, 11/4/08, long lines at the polls but people are EXCITED about voting. At my poll I saw more political buttons and t-shirts on just regular voters than ever before (and I have been spending most of election day outside of Minadeo School since 1986). All of the buttons and t-shirts were for OBAMA - seeing such support and enthusiasm made for a very pleasant day. Great party at the IBEW hall, much shouting, especially after Obama won Ohio. Folks standing on chairs leading the O-bama O-hio chear. The best was watching the CNN countdown to 11Pm and the closing of the west coast polls and the OBAMA ELECTED message flashed immediately at 11. Stayed up too late but bounced out of bed early, wide awake and HAPPY on 11/5/08. Savoring the moment.