Sunday, March 15, 2009

County Party Debates New Rules 2/7/2009

A recent text message conversation between two committee members (a true story!):

You going to the County Democrats by-laws meeting? I really don't like that proposal to punish committee members who buck the slate.
I committed to volunteering for the Food Bank this morning. Unless my vote is really needed, I'm here. Let me know if the sanctions rule comes up.
They have danish!
Sorry, no marzipan.
A Tom Foerster butter sculpture, though.
Any fire and brimstone?
A discussion of the treasurer amendment.
What's the room look like there as far as pro or con groups go?
Think they're the old guard?
Party regulars for sure.
.......Your friend the uke player just sat down.
Are there demos of the sanctions? A la Gitmo?
I think I just saw Lyndie England!
Well, you go to the campaign with the party you got...
They've got a quorum.
You should speak up for alternative ways of engaging the committee rather than punishment!
G thx. When you coming?
What about the treasurer amendment?

Passed. :-p
Now Glenfield gets 20% more votes!

Party discipline thingie tabled.
Good job! You swayed them!
4 now.

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